Sustainability & Responsibility

We´re going climate neutral.

Photo of a green building façade and two people walking past

Part of something big

Our journey into the future has begun. As part of the STRABAG Group, we have a clear and ambitious goal in mind. We are taking responsibility and making an active contribution to become climate neutral - along the entire value chain by 2040 - and to the sustainable reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

We will not achieve these goals overnight; it is a process and needs all of us. Together with our employees, customers and business partners, we want to shape a sustainable, liveable and profitable future for our business. We are laying the foundations for this change with our sustainability strategy. With advancing digitalisation and a focus on innovation, we continuously analyse and evaluate our business activities against the backdrop of sustainability - guided by the globally recognised ESG criteria.

ESG - What is that?

The three criteria of environmental, social and governance (ESG) describe the sustainable management of companies and serve as a benchmark for assessing and improving these dimensions:

And what do we do?

Picture of three cubes in the grass with the ESG criteria and environment marked © Dee karen -

E ▸ Environment

Avoiding emissions and operating in a circular economy

The focus here is on avoiding, reducing and minimising emissions. Emissions arise either directly from the combustion of fuels, as a result of the conversion of energy sources into electricity or heat, or indirectly as a result of processes associated with our work. For a sustainable circular economy, we must use goods that have already been produced for as long as possible or focus on recycling them for our business processes. As a service provider, around 80% of our emissions are caused by the services we provide, such as our service fleet. Only around 20% of emissions are caused by our office locations.

  • We can only achieve our climate targets by closely integrating sustainability and corporate management. Sustainable measures must be an integral part of our strategy in order to minimise our ecological footprint and remain successful in the long term.

    Lisa Styra
    Head of Sustainability at STRABAG PFS and Energy and Environmental Management Officer
Picture of three cubes in the grass with the ESG criteria and social marked © Dee karen -

S ▸ Social

Our employees are our most important resource

We assume social responsibility as part of our business activities and want to make a positive contribution to society and the environment. We are committed to fair working conditions, the protection of human rights and the promotion of diversity and inclusion. The physical and mental health and safety of our employees is another our top priority for us as well. Our employees are our greatest asset.

Our social projects

Further information on STRABAG's employee focus: Our promise

  • Stadtradeln - cycling for a better climate

    STRABAG PFS and all of its divisions have been taking part in the annual Stadtradeln campaign since 2023. Stadtradeln is organised in many German cities and involves cycling as many kilometres a day as possible for about three weeks. In this way, we not only make a contribution to sustainable mobility for our employees, but also do something for our health.
  • STRABAG ideas platform

    The ideas management platform ideas@strabag was launched at STRABAG in 2022 to create innovations on various topics across the Group. Successful ideas are evaluated by a panel of experts and, in the best case, implemented. The ideas platform is also getting started at STRABAG PFS. The challenge is to focus on sustainability issues. In this way, we not only collect good ideas, but also sensitise our employees to sustainable action.

    More information can be found at ideas@strabag
Picture of three cubes in the grass with the ESG criteria and governance marked © Dee karen -

G ▸ Governance

Corporate responsibility

Governance is the structured framework within which a company is managed and monitored. Our goal is corporate governance that acts transparently and ethically, operates lawfully, defines responsibilities and takes into account the interests of all stakeholders. We are aware of our social responsibility, including the factors influencing people, nature and our business - along the entire value chain in the interest of fair competition.

Certified by independent third parties

More information about our certifications in quality, environmental, energy management and occupational health and safety is available at Certifications. We are proud of the following awards:

Logo of the Ecovadis Bronze 2023 certification
ecovadis Bronze
Sustainability rating for companies
ISO 50001 certification logo
TÜV ISO 50001:2018
Energy management and systems
ISO 45001 certification logo
TÜV ISO 45001:2018
Occupational health and safety management
ISO 14001 certification logo
TÜV ISO 14001:2015
Environmental management and systems
ISO 9001 certification logo
TÜV ISO 9001:2015
Quality management and systems
EMAS certification logo
EMAS, certified for Austria
Environmental management and systems

Compliance with German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG).

We work with a large number of suppliers, service providers and partners to implement our services. Compliance with human rights and fair working conditions along the supply chain is a high priority for us. More information can be found under Procurement.